Friday, March 20, 2009


Whats up people(the few that actually read my sorry excuse for a blog)...I havent posted in a while, and i know you guys have been frantically checking back several times a day to read my next post! haha. anyway, i guess i dont really have anything important or exciting to tell you guys about, so i guess i will just basically give you a random pile of things that i have been up to for the past week or two. sound good?! ok cool. Here we go.

I am so ready for May 16th it isnt even funny! i mean seriously, this past month has felt like the longest month of my life! I am ready to be done with school so i can move on with my life and actually start being a grown up. i really dont want to do that, but i know that it is time and that it has to be done. i will still always be a little kid at heart, i will just have adult responsibilities. Blah! Blah! Blah!

I have actually been able to get out and about with a few of my good friends here recently, even though it was a few random nights at the good ol' KC hall! lol. so that was a good thing for me. I was able to relieve some stress from school and work and just hang out and have a good time.

I have an interview for a real deal IT job tomorrow at Olin Credit Union....i am not nervous, because i used to work there, and i think that gives me a nice little comfort zone. I kinda really want this job because it will be great experience, it is close to home, i know everyone there, and i will feel comfortable there. however, i really should wait and see what type of job comes from my recruiter at TekSystems. All the jobs that he can get me would allow me to utilize my government security clearance, and would most likely pay just slightly more money, but they are all contract-to-hire, so that means that I am not guaranteed a job that i will like, and i dont know where i will be and what i will be doing. So i have a big decision to make here pretty soon. i hate it, i just wish life was easy!

I am on spring break this week, which is amazing, even though i still have to work 40 hours, at least i get a much needed break from school. when i go back to school, i only have 7 weeks left until i am out of there! i am so ready to blow that popsicle stand it isnt even funny.

this has taken me like 3 days to finish so i guess i will end it here. i will see you guys later.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Smoking is Disgusting

I met my good friends last night at the Big Bang. I had not been there in a long time. It was really fun, mainly because we got there early and got a table, so we didn't have to fight our way through massive amounts of stupid drunk idiots just to find a place to stand. I really like the Big Bang alot, but that place is Soooo expensive! $4.50 for one bottle of beer?! dang, that is ridiculous! but i digress. anyway, back on topic. The thing that stands out in my mind the most about last night, is how much i hate people smoking in public. I love going out to places in Illinois because of the smoking ban, and since it has been a year since the ban started, i kinda forgot how awesome it is to go somewhere and come home not wreaking of smoke. I smelled so bad after leaving the Big Bang that I had to roll my windows down because i was starting to get a headache and i felt like i couldn't breath. I look forward to the day when all the smokers in the world die of cancer, or a world wide smoking ban, either or. That is all for today. thanks for reading. until next time. Same time, same channel. OK, maybe not the same time, but for sure the same channel.