Sunday, February 22, 2009

All work and no play...

OK, so,I tried this whole blog thing once before a while back, but never really kept up with it. Now that I have this new job, i have some time to work on it. I figure it will mainly be just a lot of random things that I think about posting. We will see how it goes, i will probably just end up forgetting to keep up with it, or just saying screw this like i did last time. If so, oh well i guess. At least I killed a few hours while i was bored at work.

This past two months has been a little rough for me. I guess mainly because of the new job and the last semester of school. I am starting to feel the the pressure of all the stress. to make things worse, my dog that i have had for 13 years passed away, and on the same day a really good friend moved to Japan for a year. That was pretty hard to handle all at once. I am usually fairly good about not letting things stress me out, but that is because I have time to do things that help me relieve the stress. Such as tinkering around with my computers, or playing City of Heroes, or spending time with my parents and my dogs, and one of the most important, hanging out with my amazing friends. that I am working 40 hours a week, and going to school almost 30 hours, i don't have time to really do anything. The only nights that i have off of work are Tuesday and Thursday, and those are my long days at school, so i don't get home until 4 or 4:30. When I do get home i usually am so tired all i want to do is take a nap, and if i do, then it usually means that i slip into a short term coma and wake up at about 3 or 4 in the morning. By the time i wake up my whole night is wasted. I mean, i am doing well in my classes, and have been told i am doing a great job at work, but i am starting to go crazy because i have no free time to do what i want. All work and no play, makes Brendan a dull boy.

Well, i think that this is enough for the first post, i dont want to scare away the 4 people that might actually even come read my blog. i know it is kinda boring right now, but i will spruce it up a little very soon. i have a few ideas cooking in the oven. ok, well, thanks for checking me out, and ya'll come back and see me, ya hear?!

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